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Best Dalgona Coffee Recipe

Dalgona Coffee
  • Prep Time
    10 Mins
  • Cook Time
    5 Mins
  • Serving
  • Ready In
    15 Mins

Dalgona coffee has emerged as one of the biggest food trends of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is an ambrosial beverage that involves milk topped with a creamy foam made with coffee and sugar-somewhat like a reverse cappuccino. The frothy, whipped coffee is made by vigorously mixing instant coffee and sugar, and it’s now unavoidable on basically all social media platforms.

However, not many people know that Dalgona in Korean, means “honeycomb toffee”. The best part is, it’s relatively easy to whip up in your own kitchen.

To make it, simply mix together equal parts of hot water, sugar, and instant coffee powder in a bowl-about two tablespoons each should do for one serving. Using a stand mixer, hand mixer, or a whisk (what better way to get some physical activity in your day, really), whip it until it turns thick and frothy-it may take some time, but just keep at it. Once you’re satisfied with the texture, pour some milk into a glass, add ice cubes if desired, and top it off with the whipped coffee mix. Snap a photo for Instagram, mix the layers together, and drink up; the result is a creamy drink with a slight thickness and frothiness.

How to make Dalgona Coffee at Home


    Dalgona coffee is a beverage made by whipping equal proportions of instant coffee powder, sugar, and hot milk/water until it becomes creamy and then adding it to cold or hot milk. Occasionally, it is topped with coffee powder or cocoa powder.

    Steps to make Dalgona Coffee

    Dalgona coffee step 1

    Take equal proportions of instant coffee powder, sugar, and milk powder.

    Dalgona coffee step 2

    Add hot milk/ water in the coffee mixture and whip it continuously until it becomes creamy and frothy.

    Dalgona coffee step 3

    Boil the milk. Mix milk powder with a little portion of cold milk properly and then add this into boiling milk in order to give coffee a thick texture.

    Dalgona coffee step 4

    Pour the boiling milk into the coffee mug. Add whipped coffee on the top of the milk, sprinkle some cocoa powder or coffee powder on top and your Dalgona coffee is ready to drink.


    If you want to enjoy cold Dalgona Coffee, take cold milk with ice cubes and top it with whipped coffee. Again, sprinkle some cocoa powder or coffee powder on top. Enjoy

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